速報APP / 健康塑身 / 30 Days To Six Pack

30 Days To Six Pack





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



30 Days To Six Pack(圖1)-速報App

You are just 30 days away from getting six pack abs with 30 Days to Six Pack. In this free workout and fitness app, you will be provided with home workouts and daily routines that will help you lose belly fat and gain rock hard abs.

So, if you are into such free workout apps and looking for a set of comprehensive daily routines to burn belly fat and then start to build muscles, download 30 Days to Six Pack for free and follow the given home workouts.

30 Days To Six Pack(圖2)-速報App

A perfect bodybuilding app that helps you find your perfect body

30 Days to Six Pack, the free fitness and workout app, comes with a clean and neat design and the interface is so user-friendly that you will get the whole idea after following the routines of the first day. Simply choose whether you are interested in losing belly fat or getting six pack abs, and then start your 30-day workout training right away.

30 Days To Six Pack(圖3)-速報App

It’s like having a personal trainer who is closely monitoring your activities and exercises and will do whatever it takes to help you find your perfect body.

30 Days to Six Pack main features at a glance:

30 Days To Six Pack(圖4)-速報App

✔️Clean and neat design with a fresh and intuitive interface

✔️High-quality graphics with smooth animations

30 Days To Six Pack(圖5)-速報App

✔️Lose belly fat

✔️Get six pack abs

30 Days To Six Pack(圖6)-速報App

✔️Three levels of workout plans

✔️Daily workout routines for beginners and professionals

30 Days To Six Pack(圖7)-速報App

✔️Free to use

So, download 30 Days to Six Pack for free on your Android phone or tablet, get the most out of your personal trainer and start losing belly fat and getting six pack abs.